Venturing even farther into the world of mystery and romance than she did in the critically acclaimed Red Velvet and Absinthe, Szereto creates an atmosphere with a distinct Gothic flavor where we explore our more forbidden desires. In these tales, love and lust (and kink!) know no boundaries, and all nature of beings —vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, ghosts, and succubae — abound. Tread carefully, danger and desire lie ahead!

Read Darker Edge of Desire 

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Darker Edge of Desire

With the circumstance surrounding the death of her husband, Berengaria never thought she would find a man willing to love her again. The mission Andrew Cobalt is on is years in the making, almost a calling. Being with Andrew is nothing like Aria’s first marriage. The excitement and passion is amazing, yet there is a darkness Aria cannot ignore. Andrew sees things in black or white, which leads to a dangerous and thrilling discovery for Aria, and makes for one very gripping story.

Coffee Time Romance

An erotic Bluebeard retelling.