Sacrilege. The violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred. Mofo Pubs presents thirteen tales that traverse the forbidden territory between the sacred and the profane.
Update July 21, 2022: Sacrilege is out of print.
“Annunciation” is reprinted in my collection If You Were My Lover (and my omnibus Soft, Sharp, and Tender)
Watch out for a re-release of “Deliver Us”
My first crush was on the archangel Gabriel, who I thought was a woman.
I stared at the illustrations in my religion textbook, studying every nuance of the figure, taller than the kneeling Mary (or even when kneeling to Mary), but slender. Details of that long body were masked by a white gown that flowed to bare feet, draped the wrists of gesturing hands. The beardless, fine-featured face was framed by a cascade of golden hair. These details recurred in image after image. Already half-daydreaming, I skimmed text that spoke of “the angel,” and I knew girls named Gabrielle.
So to me, the Annunciation was always a matter of two women together in a bedroom.
Deliver Us
Ryan might have made a mistake in telling her that his first awakening to bondage had come through some C-movie about an exorcism. Watching that lissome teenager writhe, strapped down on the table—just a kid himself, he’d known something was going on, something even beyond the desperate, weirdly poignant straining for salvation. Years later, he found out exactly what. And years after that, he confessed.
And now he was about to lose his immortal soul over it.
But God, Ann looked good in a Roman collar.