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“Deliver Us”

Mofo publishing’s latest anthology of literary erotica, Sacrilege, comes out August 17th. This week I’m sharing excerpts from both my stories in it.

“Deliver Us” is a lighthearted and angry look at the kind of sex that will get you sent to hell. Namely, exorcism roleplay, with bondage, warming oils, and getting almost too deeply into character–

Deliver Us

Ryan might have made a mistake in telling her that his first awakening to bondage had come through some C-movie about an exorcism. Watching that lissome teenager writhe, strapped down on the table—though just a kid himself, he’d known something was going on, something even beyond the desperate, weirdly poignant straining for salvation. Years later, he found out exactly what. And years after that, he confessed.

And now he was about to lose his immortal soul over it.

But God, Ann looked good in a Roman collar.

“I thought about being a nun,” she said, running her fingers over it. “But in the end it didn’t work out.”

“No kidding.” He grinned. “When it comes to nuns, I always think about . . . either sweet little old lady campaigners of social justice or else rulers across the knuckles.”

“Seriously. When I was younger, I thought I might have a vocation.”

“You’ve never mentioned that before.”

She shrugged, and he remembered that she didn’t talk much about her Catholicism in general. Or her ex-Catholicism. Which seemed more likely, given her continued playing around with the collar. She brushed away the ends of her brown curls hanging over it.

“Anyway,” she said, “I just thought of it when I put this on. Since they don’t let women become priests. A Sister would be as close as I could get.”

“I think you’ll make a good priest,” he told her.

“Thanks.” The moment of softness passed from her eyes, and she leaned over him. Loomed, really. When he stood, they were the same height, but Ryan always felt as if he shrank five feet when he was tied up. And the improvised vestments seemed to do something for her—she grew in them.

She said, “But after all, there’s lots of things they don’t let good Catholic girls do. Extramarital sex . . . sex not for the purposes of procreation . . . most of everything we’ve ever done.”

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Erotic Flash Fiction Publishers: A Non-Exhaustive List

Update September 2021: I’m delighted to see this list is still getting pageviews! Many of these publishers are still operating, though not all. There have also been new publishers opening–one in particular being my own micropress, The New Smut Project, which accepts flash for many of our anthologies and recently released an all-flash anthology, Erato. One day I will do a more thorough update of this page. In the meantime, I hope it proves useful to you as a place to start!

Sometimes you just want to skip to the good parts. Because you’re impatient. Because you’re revved up and ready to go. Because sometimes instant gratification is sexier than any tease.

Because when a story is focused on a single idea, act, or scene, it has room to explore more depths than a bigger piece with a lot to cover. Because a brief story honed to a knife’s edge of eroticism can haunt you longer than a novel. Because a flash fic can be the written equivalent of a porn gif, and we fucking love those.

Because stories are stories, and we fucking love those, and the shorter the stories are the more we can devour.

This goes for writers as much as readers. I love to write flash fiction for the same reasons I love reading it, in all my impatient, curious, prying, pulsing, greedy glory.

So this list of Erotic Flash Fiction publishers is meant to appeal to both readers and writers. It’ll talk a bit about the style of each publication, and then provide information for submitting to it. It’s based on my personal notes. Erotic short fiction is a fast-moving market, with new places opening every year and some classics shutting their doors far too soon. These are all open to read and/or submit to at the time of this post’s publication. In the interests of full disclosure (and yeah, a bit of self-promotion), I’ll mention if I’ve been published at a particular market, but don’t read anything into this. I mean, the places that have published me are fucking awesome and you should totally check them out. But check out the others, too.

Some markets pay money, and some pay only in exposure. All accept stories <1000 words, but some also accept and even prefer longer short stories. Some also take poetry. Many publications showcase erotic fiction alongside art, photography, and video, so be forewarned not all linked sites are SFW. In fact, assume that they’re not.

Bright Desire: Among its feminist, sex-positive subscriber content, Bright Desire posts fiction about once a month. The editor says, “I’m looking for stories that are more than just a sex scene. Blow-by-blow accounts of sex are boring. I want to see stories with interesting scenarios and fascinating characters; stories that explore the issues and emotions surrounding sex.”

Payment is $15 for flash fiction <500 words, $25 for short fiction 500-2000 words. Full guidelines are here:

I’ve sold three stories to Bright Desire:  “Her Perfume” (f/f),“For Myself” (masturbation),  and”If You Were My Lover” (hard to classify).

For the Girls: High-quality short and flash fiction featured once a month. “[S]uccinct, erotic pieces that successfully get an idea across in a small number of words. Cleverness is encouraged, as is out-and-out dirty hotness.” Also, “Stories can cover any topic, however it must be erotic in nature, relatively explicit, sex positive and be written expressly for female readers. Female protagonists are preferred.”

Payment is $15 for flash fiction from 300-500 words and $25 for erotic fiction up to 2000 words. The guidelines are very similar to Bright Desire (both are edited by Ms. Naughty), but they are different websites.  Full guidelines are here:

Bust: There’s nothing quite like getting your smut in a glossy magazine, in between interviews with trailblazing women, fashion photography, and articles on everything from pop culture to feminist wedding planning. Bust’s “One-Handed Read” section features cliche-busting hotness between 800-900 words (stories longer than 900 words are accepted, but will be cut down to size during their thorough editing process). Pay numbers aren’t listed in the website but from the experience of writers who have worked with them (including yrs truly), it’s a $50 gig, plus a gorgeous and thought-provoking contributor’s copy.

Details for writing for Bust–not only erotic flash but nonfiction articles as well–are here:

My femdom story “Breakfast Time” appeared in the August/September 2016 issue. 

Nerve: How does one begin to describe Nerve? Check out their Fiction and Experiences tabs for the erotic, bold, and intriguing.

If you’ve got work of your own to share, Nerve takes 300-2500 words through their Nerve Writers Network membership application. Pay is $300 provided the article gets 40,000 unique visitors in a month. Writers should also provide an image to which they have the rights to post alongside the story.

I appeared in Nerve in October 2015 with “A Tender Thing,” another femdom piece.

Aotearotica: This print journal offers “a clever, modern and stylish erotica and work exploring sex, sexuality or gender expression, with a preference for a distinct New Zealand flavour. ”

Payment is NZD$50 and a contributor’s copy for fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, art or graphic narratives. Written work <3000 words. To submit or order a copy, see:

Peach Fuzz: A print zine combining illustrations (paintings, comics, digital graphics, and more–though photoshoots are done in-house) with writing that need not be “strictly sexual in nature, anything pertaining to the human condition will be considered. We want your smutty editorials, erotic flash fiction, research-based articles, thoughtful op-eds, long verse poetry, and haikus about your first butt plug.”

Pay is $20 for 500-1500 words, $30 for 1500+ words (including research-based articles). For details and to order copies, see:

Lascivity: With the tagline “Refined Perversion,” this website offers erotica as well as nonfiction guides to everything from cleaning sex toys to slapping your lover safely and true stories.

Pay: unknown (likely exposure). To read or submit, see:

Omnia Vanitas Review: I can’t put it better than they do themselves:

“Send us your work : your sexiest, silkiest, naughtiest work : your full manuscripts : your short stories : your poetry : your love letters you ought to have burned : your multi-media projects with thought-provoking titles : your naughty pictures : your movies : your website, so we can become bedfellows.

 Send us YOU. 

I want bodies on paper.”

However, this appears to be an unpaid credit (except for exposure on the website) and there is a reading fee for stories longer than 5,000 words. This is what makes me think of it as a market mainly for short-short fiction. For more information and to read the online issues:

Circlet Microfiction: This publisher of erotic science fiction and fantasy publishes short-short stories of 250-1000 on its blog. “Microfictions should be sex-positive. literary quality, and although they may be explicit should be tastefully written.” Their focus is on sf/f more than horror, but they do publish a special round of stories around Halloween. Pay is $5 per microfiction. For submission guidelines, see:

I’ve had several microfictions published on Circlet’s website. You can read them here

Cliterature Journal: This erotic journal with a timeless title releases issues on themes including everything from “Voice” to “Technology” to “Sisterhood” to “Patriarchy.” They take submissions of prose, poetry, and nonfiction up to 10 pages. Compensation is exposure. See guidelines:

Cliterature: A similar title but different aesthetic, this website publishes fiction not in issues but in tagged categories. Check ’em out:  (Like the other Cliterature, compensation is in exposure, though no length guidelines are given)

Math Magazine: If you’re having algebra flashbacks, fear not: this is a “playful & provocative print quarterly for adults” out of Brooklyn. The deliberately bland cover is a tribute to old-time porn that had to be discreet on the newstand.

If you’re having algebra flashbacks, and it’s turning you on, maybe you should write for them. But submissions need not be arithmetically inclined. In any event, check Math out here:

Body Parts Magazine: Eros and Thanatos combine in this magazine that embraces the speculative, the surreal, the erotic, the horrific. They publish flash fiction as well as short stories up to 8,000 words, plus essays, interviews, artwork, and photography. Take note of their issue themes–Alchemy, Grave Robbing, Metempsychosis, and more–and view their submission guidelines here:  Payment goes from $5-$20 depending on category and length.

Bare Back Magazine: Their mission statement says “The human back is a reflection of the soul.  It is our vision that, a back that is bare tells a story, is strong, and is sexy.  It is our mission to feature stories, poetry and art that reflects this vision.” They have online archives of both fiction and poetry. Pay is $3 per story for stories from 800-2000 words; $1 per poem. Guidelines here:

Honeydew Erotic Review: This deliciously named magazine releases themed issues of work that’s “hard, …dark (grey), and we like it pretty damn spicy.” Feminist and LGBTQ welcome.  Also, though they like it “dark,” “Happy endings are good.” Length of story not specified, so long as there’s a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Compensation is $5 per story. See details:

Pink Litter: Editor Misty Rampart says, “Our project is an attempt to marry what some might call “beautiful” and what still others might call “obscene.” ” Both poetry and flash fiction are accepted. Payment appears to be through exposure, facilitated by a 30 word author bio with social networking links, which should be included in your submission.

Horror Sleaze Trash: This website combines videos and poems, stories, interviews, reviews, art/photography. You can also buy a hat.

Send that in (the stories and so on, not a hat), along with an author bio. Re: compensation, “I cant pay you cause no cunt ever paid me.” Check them out at: 

Heather: A digital, tri-annual literary magazine publishing fiction & flash fiction, prose poetry, creative non-fiction, digital art. Erotica should be female-focused. “Heather is your friend. Heather is your girlfriend. Heather is your girlfriend’s girlfriend. Heather is leaning against the wall at your neighbor’s house party. Heather is next to you in bed, naked.” Submit here:

Please note two things: first, the website for Heather is (the other Heather Magazine is “an Australian online publication championing women in music.” Which is also awesome). Second, the editor-in-chief’s name is Kelsey, not Heather.

Erotic Review: A nonprofit “literary lifestyle publication about sex and sexuality aimed at sophisticated, intelligent readers” that’s been running since 1995. The website is just its latest incarnation, and publishes reviews, articles, and videos alongside fiction. As a nonprofit, it’s an unpaid publication credit. See guidelines at: “

Femdom Book Reviews

A conversation today where someone asked for erotica recs reminded me of this site:

Tragically, it has not been updated since 2014, and I expect the blog runner SunnyGirl has found other demands on her time. Happily, in the several years the blog ran, she found and shared a wealth of erotic romance, erotica, and even some pretty straight-up (well, not too straight-up) romance novels and ebooks.

Her tags include many different styles, kinks, and approaches, including one of my personal favorites “subtle femdom” (my other favorite is “masochism” so I guess I have a range).

I also appreciate her warnings for when a story pulls the rug out from under the dominant female reader, or when it has all the kinks but just…isn’t all that good. Not that you should ignore everything below a B rating. There’s a lot of room for individual taste here, and SunnyGirl is always very straightforward about the factors that influenced her rating, with the possibility that they won’t hit every reader the same way.

After my review of Shadowheart, I plan to write many more book reviews myself, including lots of femdom and subtley female-toppy romances. But in the meantime, these are some stories to check out!


July Updates: Newsletters and Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale

My latest newsletter, including a new story publication with Coming Together, is now out through MailChimp. You can view it here.

Personally, I love newsletters because I’m not good at keeping up with author’s blogs. It’s much easier for them to reach out to me with their news and publications. In the future, I hope to send out a newsletter semi-irregularly but at least biannually (that is, every six months…not the current biannual schedule, whoops). And to include more coupon codes and other subscriber perks :D.

Speaking of coupon codes, it’s Smashwords’s Summer/Winter sale, and using their special coupons in the month of July can save you anywhere from 50-100% off of select titles.

I’ve included most of my own stories in the sale. Clicking the individual book’s page will give you the details on which coupon to apply.

If you’ve been waiting for a chance to stock up on ebooks inexpensively, it’s here!

Both NSP anthologies are participating in Smashwords’s July Summer/Winter sale, too, if you’d like to use a 75% coupon!

Editor for Hire (also, How to Get Me for Free)

Along with my “Stories/Publications” and “About the Author” tabs, I’ve recently added a new one: “Editing.”

I’ve been a copyeditor for several years now, since earning my license from the University of San Diego (yes, you can be a “licensed” copyeditor. So far, my job has not involved heavy machinery, although the Chicago Manual of Style can get plenty heavy). I specialize in fiction and creative nonfiction, working across many genres–including erotica, though I’d always like to see more.

(Honestly, my dream is for someone to hire me to edit a femdom erotic romance out of the blue. I’ve been hired for tons of other cool projects, but not one of those yet.)

And then I realized, well, it’s not like a lot of people know  I edit erotica, do they? I should probably advertise! So now I’ve got that new tab, and you can also find me on the author resources page of the Erotica Readers and Writers Association.

But some of the best advertising, I like to think, is offering FREE stuff–well, not “stuff” so much as “services” in this case, but anyway. It is FREE.

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Writing F/F

This is a a quick post taking inventory, inspired by the realization that “My Body is a Haunted House” looks like my first explicitly F/F story to be published. It’s not the first one I’ve written, though, nor the only one in the publishing pipeline; and it’s far from the only time I’ve explored my experience as a queer woman in writing.

Le Sommeil or “The Sleepers,” by Gustave Courbet–an inspiration for my short piece, “Her Perfume”

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New Release: “My Body is a Haunted House” in MoFo Pub’s HOTEL

Click “Continue Reading” for an excerpt from the opening scene of “My Body is a Haunted House”

The stories in this anthology explore what happens in those most impersonal of private spaces—hotels.

Hotel. The very word conjures a sense of transience. Hotel takes you into a world without permanence. Between these pages, lovers meet and lovers part. Elegant, sensual prose takes you from grand ballrooms with lavish appointments to shabby heaps where you pay by the hour.

Sneak a titillating glimpse behind closed doors, where whatever can happen just might.

Transience, transgression, and transformation seem to be the order of the day–or night–in this anthology. My story, “My Body is a Haunted House,” links two women together at an occasion of transformation: their (ex-)husband’s funeral.

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Book Review: Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale

I cried happy tears while reading this story.

That fact might prove embarrassing, since

a) I am not the type of person who would be expected to weep sappily over romance novels, not least because

b) I am a sadist. Literally, a dominant sexual sadist.

But here I am, all salt-watery with a tissue in hand, because

c) the heroine of this novel is a dominant sexual sadist–and also a youthful ingenue who finds herself in way over her head when she’s revealed as the last scion of a medieval Italian noble house, and joins forces with a beautiful assassin who overcomes his tragic past to devote himself to her and her cause.

I was once a somewhat ingenuous young heroine, though hasn’t revealed quite such revelations in my family history. If I’d discovered this book sooner, I wonder what it would have done for me. Probably sparked a lot of light bulbs–though I may have taken it in stride. A voracious reader of everything from romance novels to Westerns to science fiction to historical mysteries, I was just starting to think of stories as something that could apply to my own life. Only once I did did I realize how few romance novels captured the experiences find most romantic.

And then Shadowheart gives me this:

He held her look. With a slow move, like a lazy caress, he touched his fingertips to his shoulder, to the place where she had bitten him. Instantly she felt a spring of hot sensation, a violent dream of her power to mark and wound him as he arched under her hands. He smiled at her, a mere hint in the greenish light of the storm.

Elayne looked down, snatching a quick breath, as if the atmosphere had closed upon her.  …She had never in her life before wanted to hurt any creature. It was not anger, though anger was a part of it. But it was more than that, more–it was all twined and twisted with the way he looked beneath his lashes and smiled as if he knew.

Shadowheart, pp 159-160

Even before he gets very far in his redemption arc, Alegretto’s already enchanting me with his submissive seduction, or seductive submission, or whatever this is–it just made me curl my fingers over my mouth and tear up. I didn’t even realize such active, teasing submission was a thing I could want in my relationships, fictional or otherwise. And Elayne’s reaction is described so beautifully, with complexity and sympathy. I never thought I’d see a woman’s sadistic desires written in lyrical, opulent romance-novel prose without having to write it myself.

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Upcoming stories

My cup overfloweth. Contracts are signed, edits are underway, and I just discovered that I’ll be sharing the tables of contents in two upcoming anthologies with some very excellent people.

Your cup might overflow as well, dear reader, because in each of these anthologies I have two stories.

In MoFo’s third anthology, Religion (originally Sacrilege), my stories are kind of different from each other, but between them cover plenty of my Roman Catholic influences.

“Deliver Us” is about what happens when you get exposed to bondage through B-movies about exorcisms, and your girlfriend is an ex-Catholic who once wanted to be a priest.

(When your boyfriend did become a priest and you want to rescue him from his decision, you get A Last Touch of Grace. Comparing that story in 2016 to these stories in 2017 probably reveals something interesting about my spiritual journey.)

“Annunciation” is a semi-autobiographical novella in flash about growing up queer in the Catholic Church. Novella in flash might be a slight exaggeration, but I’ve recently fallen in love with the form and its cousins after reading Sylvia Brownrigg’s Pages for Youeven if I didn’t manage a “true” novella of the appropriate length and independence of the composite flash pieces, it was fun experiment. The format might also be influenced by the 5 + 1 fanfiction genre, in which case we have “Five times I* believed lies the Church told me about gender and sexuality and one time I figured it out,” I guess, or maybe “Five times I really missed the fact that I was queer and the realization(s) that put me right.” Not only was “Annunciation” fascinating to write (I said these stories “covered a lot of my Roman Catholic influences,” but what I learned most is how much is left to uncover), I also got a little angry. In “Deliver Us,” too. That seemed to fit MoFo’s call, which includes “a preference for Catholicism—the eroticism and hypocrisy are built right in.”

The narrator of “Annunciation” first identifies the androgynously-illustrated Gabriel as female, “So to me, the Annunciation was always a matter of two women together in a bedroom. “

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Embodied Hauntings–“The Bitterness of Flesh”

Continuing on my themes from the last week’s posts–hauntings, and also recent releases that didn’t get proper blog posts because my website was down at the time they came out.

“Would you like to see Cleo?”

This time the blush flamed to the surface of her skin, and the chill dove deeper, towards her heart. “I… Can I?”

Robert Fitzwilliam held out his hand. “There’s a statue of her down the hall.”

A statue. Of course. Had she been expecting a ghost? She pressed her palm to his again, felt long fingers close around it, followed the draw of his arm. The thick carpet drank in their footsteps.

“The Bitterness of Flesh” came out in Ever Dream of Mean anthology from Fantasia Divinity Magazine. It was inspired by two things: the Year’s Best Food Writing anthologies from Holly Hughes, and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca. Of course, I was reading those at the same time, which is one of the best ways to cross wires for creative sparks.

Plot-wise, the story is not about a chef: I’m more interested in eating scrumptious delicacies than preparing them, so the Food Writing inspired me to notice and incorporate sensual details–and also an heirloom apple orchard. Honestly, I’m surprised there isn’t more writing out there combining culinary and erotic appetites, although Gael Green’s Insatiable and Ashley Warlick’s The Arrangement are both on my bookshelves (I hadn’t realized M.F.K. Fisher had a love triangle under her belt along with all those European meals!).

The core of the story is about a second wife, and also, of course, about the first one. I adore Gothic novels, but the atmosphere of “Bitterness” is a little lighter than most Gothics–more bittersweet than venomous. Its partial inspiration, Rebecca, is a book about jealousy and fear, love and obsession. And when the heroine gets that obsessed with Rebecca (aided not least by the tour Mrs. Danvers gives of the shrine made from Rebecca’s bedroom), it becomes almost–with more or less “almost” about it–sexual.

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