Archives: flash fiction

First update of 2024

Oh my god, it’s the first update I’m making to this blog in 2024.

I’ve been alive and it’s not like things aren’t happening, just…quietly.

But it’s time to share some updates!

I’ve got at least two stories coming out this year, both in anthologies edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. The first, in July, is my man-looking-beautiful-in-jewelry flash piece “Magpie” in The Big Book of Quickies ( link).

The second, “With Wand’ring Steps and Slow,” is Biblical fanfiction about Eve and Adam’s first time having sex out of being cast out from Eden. It’s also a love story to non-penetrative, non-procreative sex, and I can only hope it is less politically relevant when it comes out in December than it is now. It’ll be in Best Women’s Erotica of the Year, Volume 10 ( link).

Both men in jewelry and non-penetrative sex are not insignificant elements in the WIP, which I’m working on Draft 3 of. I’m still at the point where every thought and feeling I have seems to want to make its way into this story and that’s not practical, even if it is 2 books/250,000 words long.

Oh yeah, that NaNo novel I mentioned last time I posted? I completed it, split it into two books (it was about 220,000 words by that point), revised it once, and am now in the thick of doing so a second time. I’m excited for it and still trying to figure out a pitch that isn’t a string of AO3 tags. But heck, here’s a tag-style elevator pitch: “F/M/M hurt-comfort in a low fantasy/alternative medieval history setting.” (In fact, the same setting as my Lady Crayl series; Elise and Adam make appearances, and wow was it fun to revisit their characterization a decade on.)

While I was able to complete the novel, my co-editors and I got the point where we realized we were not able to make Erato II happen. Or at least we were stuck on an evil treadmill of “maybe next week we can start work on it…” for months. And something new always came up to get in the way. Rather than leave authors waiting even longer for us to get our act together, we decided to cancel and regroup. I still hope to edit some more anthologies with the New Smut Project, but with tighter focus and different timelines (paradoxically, I’m wondering if a shorter timeline will be easier to work with).

My COVID recovery seems complete, thank goodness and vaccines, and my region of the world is experiencing sunlight and mildly warm temperatures, both of which are encouraging. Hopefully it won’t be so long before I share my next updates.


I’ve talked about it in my newsletter and on social media, but I’m not sure I’ve yet broken the news here on this blog that my longstanding interest in reading poetry has, over the past year or so, turned into an interest in writing poetry.

It’s not completely out of nowhere – in 2018 I wrote a poem that appeared in the “Birth Control” issue from the much-missed Cliterature feminist journal. And “By Steam and By Sail,” in Litro, is a prose poem (I was challenging Carole Maso, particularly her Aureole, when I wrote it – indeed the bit of French slang that inspired the whole piece came from the first part of the book, “The Women Wash Lentils”).

Still, it surprised me as much as anyone. The kickoff was when I had some concepts I wanted to write out as stories, but couldn’t quite make work as a thousand+ words of prose. I started writing in lines and stanzas instead, and playing with sounds, and….

Fast forward to this winter, when I received my first acceptance! “Three Years After,” a six-line poem about intimacy and loss, will appear in Tiny Wren Lit’s anthology All Poems Are Ghosts.

Tiny Wren makes beautiful little chapbooks and I look forward to sharing this one with you when it’s published!

Maybe it’s no surprise that quite a few of my poems are about grief – but it’s also no surprise, I’m sure, that a ton of them are about sex. I entered a sheaf of especially queer sex poems (or especially sexy queer poems?) into the 2022 Penrose Prize for Excellence in Poetry from LGBTQIA+ Writers and I’m delighted to share that they made it onto the longlist!

You can see the full list and read the 3 winning poems on the Death Rattle/Oroboro Lit Journal site.

I’ll be looking for final homes for my Penrose entries this year – I really cannot wait to share them with you!

(Also, keep an eye on The Whorticulturalist, who accepted an early and very sexy narrative poem from me last summer.)

In the meantime, I’m continuing to share excerpts of poetry I’ve loved reading on my Tumblr, and also on the Tumblr of the New Smut Project – speaking of which, if you have erotic prose poetry or flash fiction seeking a home, NSP opens to submissions for Erato II, our second anthology of short-short pieces, on April 2nd! Full guidelines are here.

“For Myself” in Delicate Friend’s BODYLOVE issue and other updates

I’m delighted to announce my flash piece about self love on a sunny day, “For Myself,” has been reprinted in Delicate Friend, a quarterly literary magazine about eroticism and other forms of desire.

Clicking the cover below will take you to the full issue.

I’m very grateful to the editors at Delicate Friend, not only for including this story but also for remaining willing to work with me after their acceptance email landed in my spam folder, where it languished for the better part of a week before I did my irregular checking-if-anything-good-got-accidentaly-caught-by-the-filter check. If anyone needs a vivid reminder to check their spam folders more often – there you go.

If you haven’t had the chance to check out two February anthology releases, my femdom monster erotica piece “Her Lure and Jesses” is out in Beastly Tales and an expanded version of my BDSM science fiction romance “What He Brought Home” is out in Union.

Outside of writing (including irregular email checking, composing newsletter announcements, and failing to post on this blog on actual anthology release dates) life has been busy, mostly in a good way. Guinevere Chase and I are polishing the guidelines for Erato II so I’ll hopefully be sharing those soon!

Until next time – happy reading.

My femdom frottage story is “Best of the best”

My short story “Breakfast Time” has been collected in the first annual issue of the Trash Sandwich ‘zine, “collecting the best of the best in art and stories from last year’s issues” according to the editors. It originally appeared in issue #9

Both are available as free downloads on Gumroad and are not work safe (thanks to erotic art and comics alongside the writing!)

Hopefully that can help tide you over until next week, when my monster erotica debut goes live – and have I mentioned (or do I need to mention?) that “Her Lure and Jesses” is also femdom?

Femdom frottage in TRASH SANDWICH Issue #9

And it’s pay what you want, even free.

I just felt “free femdom frottage story” in the title of this blog post would be a bit too much alliteration even for me.

“Breakfast Time” appears alongside erotic comics, poetry, and even an advice column with some advice for surviving No Nut November.

You can check out the issue here on Gumroad: Trash Sandwich Issue #9

Be advised the cover is not safe for work, so you may want to wait until you’re home before ordering it. You’ll want to be able to settle down somewhere comfortable to read it immediately, anyway.

New Flash story in “Marriage”

My flash piece, “Mine,” appears in Pure Slush Books / Bequem Publishing’s Marriage anthology. The latest in their Lifespan series, Marriage collects poetry and prose on all aspects of marriage and long-term cohabitation, including what my story tackles – sex and infidelity.

My legs wrapped around him, so passionately it threatened to roll us to the other side of the
bed. To his side, with its single thick ergonomic pillow. He pushed down with his hips, returning
my passion, but also pinning me in place.


“Mine” is a prequel of sorts to my story “The Solution” in the Dancing with Myself anthology – which, by the way, may be going out of print soon, though it’s still available on Amazon, iBooks, and Kobo. It’s a sizzling collection of self-love erotica I’d hate for you to miss!

“The one who smelled of vanilla. Whose scent, rising from his skin as he curled around my body in bed, had started all of this.” – The Solution

I’ve also been working on other interlinked stories that take place between “Mine” and “The Solution,” exploring betrayal, freedom, possessiveness, honesty, and desire.

You can read other excerpts from the Marriage anthology at Pure Slush’s blog post, “A Taste of Marriage.”

It’s available in Kindle format and as an epub and paperback through (It’s not available as paperback through Amazon because the retail price would be prohibitive, and as the editor put it in an email, “Jeff Bezos is rich enough.” I won’t argue with that!)

“By Steam or By Sail”: a prose poem

My prose poem about being bisexual and in lust (with people of all genders and with words, particularly boat metaphors), and a bit of kink if you want to read into my cable metaphors, is up at Litro Magazine as their Friday Flash!

You are strung with cables humming in high winds, singing like the veins. You are laid with circuits of nerves in electric wires, sophisticated and swift. You make a sail with your broad back, a canvas of your bending, billowing body.

Hello to the steam of your breath. Thank you, when you guide me home with your hair like smoke. Welcome, when you find your way as I stoke the furnace within you.

Vapour dissipates into the atmosphere, not before it curls our hair and glistens on our skin. Hot enough to scald…

Cables gone salty with ocean breeze, with sweat, hold sails taut against the bodies of air that push into them. Seemingly so thin, so strained, but holding. Knots grow tighter as they dry. Perhaps it’s dangerous. Perhaps we shouldn’t let them ever get dry. Let’s not.

The title comes from French slang for bisexual, “à voile et à vapeu,” or “to work by steam or by sail.” I first discovered that charming phrase when I read Carole Maso’s Aureole, a sort of collection of erotic prose poetry (perhaps? It’s a real genre-buster. The subtitle is “An Erotic Sequence” if that clarifies). I was inspired to try my own hand at the craft Maso makes look so effortless…so breathlessly effortless.

It was not effortless, but it left me a bit breathless and steamed up, for what it’s worth.

You can read the full piece here.

Smart, seductive, short: Erato comes out tomorrow

The New Smut Project’s third anthology of literary erotica is released October 24, 2020.

Each individual story is short (6 pages or less), but with fifty of them, there’s quite a lot of erotic adventure within.

Explore Paleolithic caves and far-flung planets, seduced with magic, mythology, and dreams while wryly acknowledging the reality that sometimes sex requires stretching. Alongside old favorites like temperature play and strap-ons, have you considered the erotic potential of shaving or a handful of coins?

Characters who are cis, trans, and nonbinary explore their desires, whether gay, straight, lesbian, bi and pan, or ace! With flash fiction from experienced storytellers and hot new talent, there’s no need to “skip to the good parts” in this collection: every moment will caress the senses and linger in the mind, while being short enough to read over a cup of coffee or during a bus ride. 

Curious? Find excerpts and author interviews at the New Smut Project blog

You can order Erato through the following links:

Ebook at Gumroad with discount
Paperback at Gumroad with discount
Many other retailers through Books2Read
I’ve also set up book Bundles at Gumroad:

Ebook Bundle
Readers often buy both of our first anthologies together, which is no surprise, as we couldn’t pick between them ourselves! With the release of our latest publication, Erato, this bundle saves you $3 by ordering all three ebooks as one unit. Buy from Gumroad »

Paperback Bundle
Save $10 by ordering all 3 paperbacks from the New Smut Project together: Between the Shores; Heart, Body, Soul; and  Erato: Flash Fiction. Buy from Gumroad»

Two short stories for free online reading

As my first week (er, honestly, nearer to my first 3 days) of government-encouraged isolation comes to an end, my heart is lighted by the latest issue of Cliterature Journal and a piece of mine appearing in The Erotic Review. Both are free to read.

Cliterature’s GOD/DESS issue includes an excerpt from my story “Annunciation,” about gender, Catholicism, queer desire, and growing up in the middle of them. Fittingly, the issue came out just a few days past the Feast of The Annunciation.

We talked about family and gifts, sacraments and liberation theology and martyrs. What scars through resurrected hands and feet mean to survivors. You told me about WATER’s liturgies and discussions for queer women. The label was still new to me then. Once in high school, a boy had sneered to my best friend and I, “What are you, lesbians?” (I haven’t seen him since, unfortunately). You used both words with equal pride.

I told you about Gabriel.

We spoke all the way back to my dorm.

“It was great talking to you.”

“Gosh, yeah.”

And I let you kiss my lips instead of my cheek; I kissed you back; I went up to my room and sinned thoughtlessly, unselfconsciously, but afterwards I lay awake and thought and prayed.

The next Saturday, I invited you to my room for us to finish our project. Which we did, in record time. And then—Two women together in a bedroom.

“You’re so beautiful,” I say, placing your folded socks on my chair without looking away from your hands as they open your shirt. The silver Miraculous Medal gleams at your throat beneath the rainbow bandana. I’ve put my rosary aside. “You’re the most…awesome, amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

You don’t seem to know what to make of that, but after a moment you smile. I lean closer, placing my hands on your knees. Your body’s warmth beats through your jeans.

“Okay,” I say—reassuring myself more than you. Be not afraid. “This is . . . better than okay.”

At the Erotic Review, “Like That“–part of what may one day become a proper romance novel–shows how two former lovers briefly become closer to each other. It’s also more than a little kinky.

While it was going so well, he’d proposed handcuffs. She accepted, enthusiastically. And when he brought over the pair he’d picked up at the porn store off the highway, she’d hopped onto her bed and raised her hands toward the headboard. That was when he realised maybe he hadn’t been clear. Or in her eagerness she had misinterpreted him.

But she was so eager to have them put on her. So he did.

It was fun, although he was slower to get hard than he’d ever been. At first he worried he wouldn’t be able to get into it. But she was, after all, naked — beautifully so — and her excitement became contagious.

The fact was, Leo liked doing what women wanted. But this time, he felt out of place — enjoying it, but in the way he would enjoy accidentally crashing someone else’s party.


The Way Home: Free Halloween Flash Fiction

The autumn night was clear, with cold-looking stars in the dark blue overhead. Gabriella drove slowly, her gaze sweeping the road where the headlights faded into shadow. She peered at the gravel shoulders until her eyes ached, especially on the passenger side.

That’s where she would be.

Ethan peered out his window, too, turned so that she couldn’t see his face. But she watched his shoulders tighten as he breathed deeply, his fingertips pressing the glass.

This road was no bettered maintained than it had been when they first drove it. Not even a driveway or gravel tractor route led off it. Neither Gabby nor Ethan had any reason to come this way since they got jobs and moved to a ranch home several towns over. Even when they called this place home, they’d rarely had reason to come this way. Except as kids—young lovers.

“This looks like it,” Ethan said.

Gabby braked to a gentle stop. A slight bend in the road, not even a curve, more a wiggle, as if to be sure the driver was paying attention. The shoulder gravel here had weathered into sand, silvery in her headlights like moon dust. It was empty.

She put the car in park and turned in her seat, toward Ethan. He turned to her. Between them, the bouquet he held trembled in an unsteady hand. Late-season asters and white sedum, filled out by orange and yellow leaves, gathered from their backyard. It had seemed right to bring a gift.

“Hello,” Gabby said. “Are you still here?”

Ethan added softly, “We’ve missed you.”

Gabby hadn’t expected him to say that, but it was true.

“Not sure if you remember us,” she said—to the empty shoulder, to the air around them, to the sense of someone listening that filled her. “We were last here fifteen years ago.”

“It’s our tenth wedding anniversary.” Around the bouquet, Ethan’s right index finger stroked the gold ring on his left hand.

A Halloween wedding. They’d included handfuls of trick-or-treat candy in the favor bags. Both their moms had just been glad they chose gold and red for colors, not black.

Well, Gabby always had been a bit goth. She did lose her virginity with a ghost, after all.

A stem of sedum bent until the white buds pointed to the gearshift. It happened slowly, as if a finger stroked it. None of Ethan’s trembling could have caused that.

Gabby took a shivering breath. At the back of her mouth, a scent settled, faint and dry and bittersweet, like applewood smoke and champagne.

A voice spoke from the backseat, warm but whispy: “I remember every night.”

Gabby glanced over her shoulder, then in the rearview mirror. Neither showed anything, yet. But she smiled and asked, as she had that night long ago, “Where should we bring you?”

“You can just keep driving along here. It’s not far.”

She turned the key in the ignition. Ethan reached behind them into the backseat, and his breath deepened; Gabby couldn’t ask or guess what had happened. She continued driving, now recognizing things: a granite boulder the glaciers had left, the twisted oak sheltering a crumbled stone foundation. The ground sloped away on the left-hand side as they approached the scenic overlook, the romantic spot where they had made love for the first time. She and Ethan. And the ghost.

The internet called her “The Angel of Route X.” She’d asked them to call her Angelique.

She didn’t do that at other sightings, at least not those reported online. According to most, she didn’t stay once the vehicle started uphill. But then, Gabby and Ethan had invited her along. Had told her their names, asked hers, and flirted.

She’d looked cute.

More than that—mysterious, alluring. A little older than them, or maybe that was just the effect of her clothes. Now, the person Gabby glimpsed in the rearview mirror looked so young.

Curly hair, dark against pale fabric. Round cheeks and long eyes. Lips, even in this light, scarlet as the juice of wild grapes. And almost as tart, Gabby remembered. A tight pulse started between her legs and she fought to control her limbs as she turned into the overlook parking lot.

They unfastened their seatbelts, and for a moment she seemed to lean between them—so close that Gabby could make out the pattern in her dress. A touch brushed her cheek like electric charge. Then Angelique vanished, but Gabby felt her presence lingering, the way you sense anyone in the room with you. Warm and aware.

Rather than donning invisibility again, it was more like Angelique had stripped herself naked.

Gabby’s eyes met Ethan’s. They leaned across the space where Angelique had been and kissed each other. Then they left the flowers in the cupholder and climbed into the backseat.

Stripped-off coats and shirts made pillows; jeans and underwear slid to the floor. Even with the engine off, warmth would linger in the small cab of the car, and Ethan always ran hot anyway.

Gabby ran her hands over him, his skin like warm silk, like velvet where the hair grew on his firm thighs. His presence would steady her no matter how surreal things felt. Which wasn’t too surreal, yet—nothing compared to the first time they’d made love, where sex itself had seemed so bizarre. They knew each other now. The route here had been familiar. And Angelique—she hadn’t seemed to have changed at all.

She lay down on top of Ethan in a sixty-nine position. They usually didn’t go straight to it like this, but it saved time, especially compared to the tentative oral exploration they first made on this overlook. Even as the touch of her husband’s mouth made her breath catch, Gabby wondered to herself, why the rush? The kids had a sitter while they took the night to celebrate their anniversary. Yet there was still a sense of pressure. As if Angelique might disappear entirely, perhaps, or they might come to their senses.

Gabby, though, felt very much in her senses.

When Ethan licked her, his chin pressed the top of her pubic mound. She sighed, rocking against him. His hands stroked her back and sides, slipped under to cup her breasts, thumbs moving in the circling motion she liked so well. The touch became unsteady as her lips and tongue found the strip of sensitive skin just below the head of his cock.

And then, alongside his hands, others—their touch almost liquid, neither warm nor cool but powerful. Electrifying. Gabby writhed as they ran along her spine, her shoulders, her flanks. Between her thighs, where no one had ever been except Ethan—Ethan and the woman who was there now.

While Ethan’s tongue flicked across her clit, Angelique’s fluid fingers moved between her folds, flowed inside her. Gabby’s thighs shuddered and she moaned, setting off an answering gasp from Ethan at the vibration along his length.

They were gone before she could come from it, which in a way was a relief—she’d learned to let things build since her first time, and she and Ethan could even climax together on special occasions. Which this surely counted as.

She tightened her hold around the base of his shaft, squeezing slightly, a reminder that he didn’t come until she chose.

As she did, a plush sensation brushed her knuckles, around her black onyx wedding band. A kiss.

Gabby moved her mouth down Ethan’s cock until her lips met Angelique’s. She couldn’t quite picture the position the ghost was in—perhaps it wasn’t picturable; surely one advantage of being incorporeal was being able to touch your lovers however you chose? Angelique seemed more incorporeal this time, perhaps more herself. Gabby didn’t need to understand it to part her lips, welcome in the taste like verjuice, her tongue stroked by a touch as real and yet impossible to grasp as starlight.

Ethan made a sound, both chilled and heated. His hips bucked under Gabby, and her own began to grind against his mouth. Angelique flowed around them. Gabby heard her soft, hoarse cries of ecstasy.

She thought she felt her come: almost impossible to describe, shaking and sparkling, like sobs and laughter mixed with something else, the feeling of flying in dreams.

And like she had all those years before, Angelique took her leave quietly, fading at the same time and in the same way as Gabby’s quivering afterglow.

Ethan rested his cheek against her hip. “Let’s wait less than fifteen years to come back again,” he said.

“Agreed.” As Gabby stroked his hair, her eyes went to the front of the car. To the empty cupholder. Angelique had taken their flowers with her on whatever journey she was making. Perhaps they had brought her a step farther tonight.

As for them, well, it was getting late. Their family was waiting. They should head home.


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