Availability Update: NSP Anthologies on Sellfy

Since the release of our first two anthologies in 2015, the New Smut Project has sold ebooks on Sellfy, a platform that offers digital publishers one of the best royalty rates on the market–ensuring our authors are as well-paid as possible from each book sale.


Unfortunately, Sellfy is changing its terms of service, and as of February 1, 2020, it will no longer have a free plan option available. The Sellfy paid plans are not practical for a small publisher of our size, and so Heart, Body, Soul and Between the Shores will no longer be available through Sellfy after January 31, 2020.

However, they are still available there now, and will be until the end of January! You can CLICK HERE to view the NSP store for a read that will bring some heat to the beginning of your winter. <3

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