A flash update

But first: have you donated to a bail fund yet? Here’s a list of places to choose from. Read up on a particular fund before donating to make sure you understand where your funds are going or if there’s another place that might need the money more. Although it’s never the wrong time to pay somebody’s bail.

Understandably, we’re not all flush with cash right now, and this list includes options for ways to donate without money, such as by listening to YouTube playlists to generate ad revenue.

Also, news happens fast, but Buzzfeed has a post where they’ve fact-checked some of the claims and videos appearing on social media.

Black lives matter.


In my personal life, a wonderful relationship is transitioning to long-distance. Thank god for text messages, emails, and toys. Thank god that we met during a time when we were in the same state. And thank god I have I flash fiction anthology to occupy my time when I’m feeling lonely.


On my desk, this weekend I’m hoping to finalize the TOC of Erato. There’s still room for 2 more stories for the editorial team to select from the longlist. Then it’ll be time to send out the last round of acceptance emails, and some personalized, encouraging rejections. 

Frankly, given we started with 500+ stories, I’m proud of us, but you talented bastards sure didn’t make it easy. 

And speaking of flash fiction…

My cool wintery pegging story, “Cold-Kissed”, appears in BUST Issue #121. Alongside it, read about the biggest women in music, the women of Sesame Street, an interview with Roxane Gay, and the story of America’s only homegrown all-woman domestic terrorist cell. Now that’s range!


My erotic flash fiction previously appeared in Bust’s August/September 2016 issue. You can order an issue or subscription online, or check the magazine racks in your local stores (I was pretty psyched to realize I’m on the shelves of Woodman’s. Hey, we all have our dreams.)

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