Femdom presale through November 3

Tender Things is on presale at Smashwords for the next two weeks, until November 3, 2021. Part of the presale is an “incentive price” of 30%+ off the ebook if you sign up for my newsletter. 

To whet your appetite, here’s an excerpt from the second story in the collection, “Breakfast Time”:

She looks up from scrolling the news on her tablet in time to see him come in, alerted by his footsteps down the hall—firm, confident, promising a show.

Breath leaves her in a whistle. “Nice.”

He’s wearing new jeans. They’re not skinny jeans, but the fit is tight. Pale denim hugs the curves of his calves and thighs, ’too thick for actual skinny jeans, but just the way she likes.

And his ass. She likes the round swell of his ass best of all.

He notices the direction of her eyes and grins. She returns to the news while he opens cupboards and pours milk. When she isn’t able to resist any longer, she looks up again and says, “Your butt looks great in those jeans.”

“Thanks, ma’am. I’m glad you like them.”

They both know what it means when he calls her ma’am. He blushes as she shifts in her seat, her eyes still roving his displayed body. Behind his smile she sees a touch of…not quite uncertainty. And not quite expectation. Both of them at once, polluting each other in a heady concoction, sweetness and spice…

Sometimes a compliment is just a compliment. She likes to give them and her boyfriend deserves them. But he looks so good in those jeans. He wore them as a show for her, yes, but not just that. He’d be disappointed if she let him go now.

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