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Monster Erotica, Sci Fi Romance, and a Year-End Sale

I’m especially excited to announce my latest short story sale because it’s a newish genre to me: “Her Lure and Jesses” will appear in Beastly Tales, a collection of monster romance and erotic romance from Dragon Soul Press!

I’ve always admired the enthusiasm and creativity of the self-titled monsterfuckers, but my own tastes hadn’t seemed to lie in that direction…except I have to say, creating the anatomy (and hints at the uncanny psychology) of my winged creature was a delightful exercise.

His fingers settled above her knee—bony, but soft with down to the first knuckle. They stroked her skin rather than seizing it. She followed his arm, caressing feathers so that they lay back the wrong way. He chuckled: an expression of pleasure not so different from human. She hadn’t taught him to do it, although she had taught him new things to laugh at.

Then she reached his shoulder, and over it, and his laughter was cut off.

She stroked his wing, following the silk-smooth, knife-shaped feathers. Epona leaned nearer to him to reach farther along the length of the pinion. It flexed, unfurling from where he’d held it tight against his back, canting toward her for more.

-“Her Lure and Jesses”

Another Dragon Soul Press anthology, Union, will include my short story “What He Brought Home.”

This kinky M/M romance originally appeared in an anthology several years ago, and this offered me the chance to revise and expand it.

He lay panting in its wake, cheek on his husband’s shoulder, pounding heart to pounding heart. As soon as he recovered, he began to unwind the cords from Kanovan’s arms.

“You should bring me things more often,” he said.

“I will,” Kanovan promised.

– “What He Brought Home”


Lastly, but not leastly (that’s a word now, shut up), these next two weeks mark Smashword’s End of Year Sale. From now to January 1, you can pick up ebooks direct from Smashwords for significant savings, while still providing authors one of the highest royalty rates around. A great win-win to end 2022 on.

My titles on Smashwords range from 25-50% off, and all New Smut Project titles are also discounted. Check my whole catalog out here.

Future New Smut Project Submission Calls

I’ve hit the point where the building pressure of NSP Anthology Ideas is almost too much to bear, so I’ve made a cautious update about future submissions, which I’m cross-posting here:

The next submission calls will go out as soon as the editorial team is able to finish getting our proverbial ducks in a row (financing, time to read submissions, etc). While we wrangle waterfowl, here are some hints about the likely themes of our next anthologies:

  • A sequel to Erato, collecting erotic flash fiction, microfiction, and prose poems
  • An anthology celebrating new scripts beyond mainstream culture’s narrow definition of what counts as “sex”
  • A book of verse poetry (which we do not publish in our other anthologies, though we share it here on our blog for inspiration)

Reading posts on this blog and checking out the awesome stories we’ve released in previous collections can give you a feeling for what we publish* – not to mention spark some thoughts and pleasure to pass the time as you wait for our next call ;D. 

*At the same time, we’re often delighted to discover completely new ideas in our submissions, and we actively want to expand the range of identities and perspectives we publish in our anthologies.


This is not a call for submissions yet, but more a “if you want to write for future submissions calls, here are the kinds of things you might want to start brainstorming/drafting.” 

Having done the accounting for sales and royalties to date, I’m delighted to see we’ve pretty much secured funding (especially given we’ll sell more books between now and the next anthologies! By the way, do you have anyone on your holiday gift-giving list who would enjoy collections of groundbreaking smut?) 

So now it’s the time factor – to write and promote the submissions call, read submitted stories, and then edit the accepted stories. Since I have several book-length manuscripts to edit as part of my freelance day job, this won’t happen right away. I also need to update my promotion plans. I thought I’d developed some better ideas for sharing calls on Twitter, but…well, we’ll see where that is in a month or two when I’m ready to actually do it. 

But sharing on this blog may be a good first step. Here’s a 2023 resolution for erotic short story writers and poets: sell me your smut! And let the erotic writers and poets in your life know about these upcoming opportunities.

Femdom frottage in TRASH SANDWICH Issue #9

And it’s pay what you want, even free.

I just felt “free femdom frottage story” in the title of this blog post would be a bit too much alliteration even for me.

“Breakfast Time” appears alongside erotic comics, poetry, and even an advice column with some advice for surviving No Nut November.

You can check out the issue here on Gumroad: Trash Sandwich Issue #9

Be advised the cover is not safe for work, so you may want to wait until you’re home before ordering it. You’ll want to be able to settle down somewhere comfortable to read it immediately, anyway.

The Ghosts Linger

That’s the thing about hauntings, isn’t it?

They don’t end when they’re supposed to.

Anyway, my October flew by in a blink – mostly in good ways, as I’ve got a healthy copyediting business going and am finding time here and there to work on my own writing (and now poetry!). But the season continues.

Indeed, speaking of The Season…

The collection of Halloween, paranormal, and horror-themed erotica I released last year is just as sexy and spooky a year later. If you haven’t checked it out, maybe now’s a good time, especially if you’re still in the mood?



The Season is one of the three collections mega-collected in my omnibus, Soft, Sharp & Tender

New Flash story in “Marriage”

My flash piece, “Mine,” appears in Pure Slush Books / Bequem Publishing’s Marriage anthology. The latest in their Lifespan series, Marriage collects poetry and prose on all aspects of marriage and long-term cohabitation, including what my story tackles – sex and infidelity.

My legs wrapped around him, so passionately it threatened to roll us to the other side of the
bed. To his side, with its single thick ergonomic pillow. He pushed down with his hips, returning
my passion, but also pinning me in place.


“Mine” is a prequel of sorts to my story “The Solution” in the Dancing with Myself anthology – which, by the way, may be going out of print soon, though it’s still available on Amazon, iBooks, and Kobo. It’s a sizzling collection of self-love erotica I’d hate for you to miss!

“The one who smelled of vanilla. Whose scent, rising from his skin as he curled around my body in bed, had started all of this.” – The Solution

I’ve also been working on other interlinked stories that take place between “Mine” and “The Solution,” exploring betrayal, freedom, possessiveness, honesty, and desire.

You can read other excerpts from the Marriage anthology at Pure Slush’s blog post, “A Taste of Marriage.”

It’s available in Kindle format and as an epub and paperback through (It’s not available as paperback through Amazon because the retail price would be prohibitive, and as the editor put it in an email, “Jeff Bezos is rich enough.” I won’t argue with that!)

Fill Your Shelves (or someone else’s!) at Smashwords – 2022 Summer/Winter Sale

Through July 31st, thousands of books on the indie publishing site Smashwords are anywhere from 25-100% off with coupons automatically applied when you buy them. 

Among those thousands of books, you’ll find many of my stories, which range from 25% off to free (including permafree titles and you-set-the-price books like my partner’s collection Kinky, Queer Love), plus some of the New Smut Project’s anthologies. If these are on your to-read list, or if your stack of reading material is growing smaller, now’s a great time to stock up!

Speaking of your to-read/to-buy list, with your Smashwords account, you can add books to your Library with a click, and then check your Library’s “Wishlist” tab to see at a glance what titles are discounted in the current sale.

It’s also possible to give ebooks as gifts through Smashwords! There’s a button below the “Buy” and “Add to Library” buttons for that option, and in your cart you can add the email address of your gift recipient (or your own email address if you want to deliver the book download code to them in the form of a fancily calligraphed letter or something).

Release month sale

It’s maybe a sign of the state of life that I missed making an actual post on the day of Cunning Linguists’ release – mea culpa! May I remind you that these thirty stories of language, literature, and lechery, sex, speech, and storytelling, are now available wherever books and ebooks are sold?

In particular, if you purchase them directly from the New Smut Project store before the end of this month (May 31 is next Tuesday), you can use coupon code CUNNING for 25% off ebooks and LINGUISTS for $1.50 US off paperbacks. (Prices are listed in US but you can pay in other currencies.)

After that, direct sales will still include a coupon code for a discount – one more reason to buy from us, not Amazon – but it won’t be as large again.

You can also get a similar discount – at least for now, though we at NSP can’t control the timing or amount of this one – when you order through, where your purchases support local bookstores and earn NSP a 10% affiliate commission.

Don’t forget to add it to your shelf on Goodreads and LibraryThing! I spotted a review on GoodReads that mentioned, “Cunning Linguists reminds me of nineteen-eighties erotica” and let me tell you, as someone who just ordered a copy of Michelle Slung’s anthology Slow Hand to reread, plus my first omnibus paperback of Yellow Silk, after discovering it through Touching Fire…that hits the spot. I’d describe the erotica of those earlier years as deep and atmospheric, sensually detailed, and thought-provoking without ever being merely cerebral. I love that kind of thing, and if you love it too, I’m thrilled to have something new to put on your bookshelf.


William Shakespeare's Earring | Ornament Studio
My dear bisexual bard Billy Shakespeare, with a cool earring

That is, apparently, the ship name for William Shakespeare (of Sonnet 20 fame) and Christopher “Kit” Marlowe (of “all they who love not tobacco and boys are fools” fame).

Digging Up Christopher Marlowe - Electric Literature
Christopher Marlowe. (He also had a fantastic if somewhat anachronistic depiction by Jamie Campbell Bower in the short-lived TNT series Will)
Image result for shakespeare queer sonnet
This is Sonnet 20.
“Draft,” meanwhile, plays with references to sonnet 144,
in which the poet talks
about his “Two loves,” a young man and a woman, betraying him
in an angsty bisexual anthem.

Aside from them both being quite possibly, in the modern sense, queer men, and boundary-breaking playwrights both working in London in the early 1590s, very close in age, is there any reason to believe these two would have chemistry? I sure think so. Not least because I noticed some lines in each of their plays that would sound just delicious swapped between them–

Marlowe remained close to him, too close to meet his eyes. “Your pardon,” he said without a sign of remorse. His hand cupped Will’s cheek, tracing the bone, leaving another stripe of ink. He felt it drying on his skin, sable heat. He pulled back just enough to see it marking Marlowe’s lips, too.

So it had happened, then.

“Why … my pardon?”

“For the sake of your soul. They say it is a sin.” This time he spoke of damnation with something more gentle than delight, but still not regret, not anything close to it.

No more than Will felt. “If my lips have the sin they took … willingly … ” If some in their wills counted bad what he thought good, they only reckoned up their own abuses; he was that he was. As much a sinner as you, he thought, even if he was in no way as accomplished as this consummate blasphemer. “You wrong yourself too much.”

“A trespass sweetly urged.” His laughter sounded surprised. “Will you give me my sin again?”

“If,” Will said, as surprised himself, uncertain on his feet, but finding words, perhaps by the same ink-dark magic that brought him to this, “you give me my soul again.”

A scent of rosewater and cloves grew stronger as the space between them vanished, as the cool air warmed. Marlowe’s hair was soft against the backs of his fingers, the skin at his jaw and throat rough from the time that had passed since he’d last shaven – something Will had not considered about kissing a man. He ran his fingertips back and forth against the rasp, feeling the hum of Marlowe’s breath beneath. It passed across his lips, too, mingling with his, though Will hardly breathed while he kissed as if truly to retrieve his soul. He tasted the ink staining both their mouths, the richer flavor underneath.

-Thus this excerpt from “Draft,” my story in Cunning Linguists. If you, like me, are a grade-A nerrrd you will notice Kit is saying lines from Romeo and Juliet and Will lines from Doctor Faustus. These guys sure ascribed interesting powers to kisses… cunning linguists indeed.

The collection of stories about sex, storytelling, and speech (or silence*) is now available for preorder in paperback and comes out May 18th–less than a month from now!

The 30 authors are sharing excerpts, their favorite sex scenes they’ve ever read, “dirty” words that give them the shivers (usually in a good way — though not always!) and other fun facts on the New Smut Project blog.

You can find Cunning Linguists now at:

*Speaking of “silence,” I’ll leave you with this second, even steamier except from “Draft”:

A sound shaped itself in Will’s throat — not speech, only proof, surprising even to him, that he still had a voice.

Kit’s hand fastened at the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the curls of his hair, nails passing lightly over soft, vulnerable skin. “Don’t,” he said, “compose poetry now.”

He was right — even all these spilled words whose ink was staining them were meant, in the end, to be acted.

So he did. He let himself move, guided by instinct — nothing in this felt against nature — and by his partner’s guidance.

Those Linguists sure are Cunning

And Cunning Linguists is up for preorder!

The New Smut Project’s 4th anthology contains 30 tales of language, literature, and lechery and comes out May 18. It’s now available for preorder on Gumroad–do check the product descriptions for both the paperback and ebook editions, as they include discount codes to use with your preorder!–and elsewhere.

(I’ll be updating in a few days once the paperback pre-order through IngramSpark becomes widely available!)

Curious about the contents? See our ToC announcement on our blog, and check out the author interviews we’re posting each day this month. So far we’ve had romance books with the hottest sex scenes recommended by D.J. Hodge, opinions from jem zero and Melissa Snowdon sexy word choice–and more to come!

“Come” not “cum”

“By Steam or By Sail”: a prose poem

My prose poem about being bisexual and in lust (with people of all genders and with words, particularly boat metaphors), and a bit of kink if you want to read into my cable metaphors, is up at Litro Magazine as their Friday Flash!

You are strung with cables humming in high winds, singing like the veins. You are laid with circuits of nerves in electric wires, sophisticated and swift. You make a sail with your broad back, a canvas of your bending, billowing body.

Hello to the steam of your breath. Thank you, when you guide me home with your hair like smoke. Welcome, when you find your way as I stoke the furnace within you.

Vapour dissipates into the atmosphere, not before it curls our hair and glistens on our skin. Hot enough to scald…

Cables gone salty with ocean breeze, with sweat, hold sails taut against the bodies of air that push into them. Seemingly so thin, so strained, but holding. Knots grow tighter as they dry. Perhaps it’s dangerous. Perhaps we shouldn’t let them ever get dry. Let’s not.

The title comes from French slang for bisexual, “à voile et à vapeu,” or “to work by steam or by sail.” I first discovered that charming phrase when I read Carole Maso’s Aureole, a sort of collection of erotic prose poetry (perhaps? It’s a real genre-buster. The subtitle is “An Erotic Sequence” if that clarifies). I was inspired to try my own hand at the craft Maso makes look so effortless…so breathlessly effortless.

It was not effortless, but it left me a bit breathless and steamed up, for what it’s worth.

You can read the full piece here.

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