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Sex toy review: Faux-Fur Lined Leather Cuffs from Luxurious Bliss

Is it right to call these a “toy”? It almost doesn’t feel right. They’re more like…jewelry. Decoration. Or, as my one wearing them once put it, a long-distance hug.

A black leather cuffs from Luxurious Bliss, with a colorful strip of purple leather in the middle, fastened with a square silver buckle. The cuff is buckled, and rests on a table thats a similar shade of purple.

That means the color coordination in this photo is pure happy coincidence.

Yes, I might get fluffy in this review–even fluffier than the plush faux-fur lining of these gorgeous and long-wearing pieces, just one of the quality leather offerings from LuxuriousBliss on Etsy. To be honest, the lining is what attracted me to them first. It sounded so sensual and, well, luxurious. And even though I’m not the one who wears them, I like luxury.

These come in a range of colors–when I said this to my partner, who’s red-green colorblind, they said, “I believe you.” The colors are pretty heavily red, in that the selection includes red, pink, and purple. I chose purple so that they can enjoy them as blue.

The padding makes them a little bulkier than other leather cuffs I’ve seen. That and the fact that the colorful leather strip is rather long and can dangle if they’re on tight might make wearing them while out and about a bit inconvenient–at least on the wrist. My submissive wears on them on their ankles, where they’re no problem (and where they’re discreetly hidden by socks and pants cuffs). And for playtime, the bulk and strap length aren’t a problem; if the latter got to be, I suppose the excess leather could be trimmed off.

 Speaking of playtime, there’s also a D-ring on each cuff, for your convenience and pleasure :).

Not only is the strip of color attractive, I also find it makes the cuffs easier to put on as a somewhat newbie IRL dom–I know which strap to pull on and wrap over the rest of the cuff. So an A+ choice for bondage beginners.

I’ll close out this review with some words from my primary wearer of the cuffs themself: “Comfortable enough for me to wear 24/7 and forget I’m wearing them, were I not enjoying the experience so much.”

Finally, it’s key to note that these are as sturdy as they’re comfortable: 24/7 usage doesn’t seem to be making a dent in them (er, whatever the leather equivalent of a dent would be). Which is good, because we intend to keep using them for a long, long time.

All in all, an excellent choice for when you want to dominate your lover gently, thoroughly, and endlessly.

Still looking for something to read?

Some good news for a change – I’ve had several new publications come out over the past few weeks, plus a few other places to recommend in your search for more material:

imageFirst, “Beyond Words” in Infernal Ink’s penultimate issue (okay, maybe that part’s not such happy news)  is an erotic horror story of young love, as a woman comes of terrible age. It quotes Shakespeare at a key point or two, and it’s sexy, sad, possibly even kind of sweet.












Also–and this is not a trick–I am super, super psyched to be one of the ten weird & wonderful stories in Rule 34, Volume 2: an erotica collection of unexpected turn-ons, live as of April 1!


My story, “Route 34,” is about being stuck in traffic, what might be the strangest reason to get light-headed over Charlize Theron in Fury Road, work shifts that don’t match up, and going the extra mile to satisfy your beloved. <3

The anthology is on sale at the sites listed HERE.





Meanwhile, a reminder that I have two other stories available free online:

Cliterature’s GOD/DESS issue includes an excerpt from my story “Annunciation,” about gender, Catholicism, queer desire, and growing up in the middle of them. Fittingly, the issue came out just a few days past the Feast of the Annunciation.

We talked about family and gifts, sacraments and liberation theology and martyrs. What scars through resurrected hands and feet mean to survivors. You told me about WATER’s liturgies and discussions for queer women. The label was still new to me then. Once in high school, a boy had sneered to my best friend and I, “What are you, lesbians?” (I haven’t seen him since, unfortunately). You used both words with equal pride.

I told you about Gabriel.

We spoke all the way back to my dorm.

“It was great talking to you.”

“Gosh, yeah.”

And I let you kiss my lips instead of my cheek; I kissed you back; I went up to my room and sinned thoughtlessly, unselfconsciously, but afterwards I lay awake and thought and prayed.

The next Saturday, I invited you to my room for us to finish our project. Which we did, in record time. And then—Two women together in a bedroom.

“You’re so beautiful,” I say, placing your folded socks on my chair without looking away from your hands as they open your shirt. The silver Miraculous Medal gleams at your throat beneath the rainbow bandana. I’ve put my rosary aside. “You’re the most…awesome, amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

You don’t seem to know what to make of that, but after a moment you smile. I lean closer, placing my hands on your knees. Your body’s warmth beats through your jeans.

“Okay,” I say—reassuring myself more than you. Be not afraid. “This is . . . better than okay.”

At the Erotic Review, “Like That“–part of what may one day become a proper romance novel–shows how two former lovers briefly become closer to each other. It’s also more than a little kinky.

While it was going so well, he’d proposed handcuffs. She accepted, enthusiastically. And when he brought over the pair he’d picked up at the porn store off the highway, she’d hopped onto her bed and raised her hands toward the headboard. That was when he realised maybe he hadn’t been clear. Or in her eagerness she had misinterpreted him.

But she was so eager to have them put on her. So he did.

It was fun, although he was slower to get hard than he’d ever been. At first he worried he wouldn’t be able to get into it. But she was, after all, naked — beautifully so — and her excitement became contagious.

The fact was, Leo liked doing what women wanted. But this time, he felt out of place — enjoying it, but in the way he would enjoy accidentally crashing someone else’s party.

Lastly, ebooks!

If your socially responsible isolation reading includes a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you should know:

  • Lovely Boy, a submissive male story of taboo roleplay, is available on KU until May 17
    • It’s up for preorder on Gumroad and will be available on Smashwords in May.
  • Her Seal Upon Him, a femdom story of medieval fantasy, is available on KU until May 20
  • To Have and to Hold: Honeymoon Pegging Erotica is only available on KU until April 11th–then it goes into expanded distribution.

Additionally, Smashwords continues its gigantic Authors Give Back sale until April 20–many of my books and both New Smut Project anthologies are 60% off or free for the next month. You can see the full catalog here.

Speaking of free books, TELENY (gay Victorian erotica which might be by Oscar Wilde) is available as a free download here on my website. It’s also available as a paperback through Amazon, but I can’t in conscience recommend giving Amazon warehouse workers more to do this month–especially since some of them are striking. Keep that in mind for later.

Also in mind for later when you order print books again–and relevant in light of Amazon’s less savory business practices: is designed to be an ethical Amazon alternative and a convenient way to buy print and audio books online while supporting local bookstores. Of the sales price, 10% goes to support participating ABA independent bookstores in an earnings pool that is distributed to every six months. Another 10% of sales go to linking affiliates, including small publishers, for whom affiliate sales can provide as much as 20% of their total income. I’m a participating affiliate, with a “storefront” listing books my writing has appeared in; publications from my micropress, the New Smut Project; and recommendations of some of my favorite erotica titles: 

As expands their catalog, I intend to keep building those lists, especially the ones for femdom!

As mentioned above, I’ve also started to experiment in offering ebooks directly through Gumroad–and might start offering paperbacks once I work out details such as shipping and sales tax. Here are the stores for my TC Mill books and The New Smut Project anthologies (you can “follow” us there for updates on paperbacks and/or the publication of our new flash fiction collection, Erato). Buying through Gumroad means a higher percentage for royalties go to the authors, which is especially important with the first two NSP anthos, for which 100% of profits are paid out as royalties to contributors.

Stay safe, keep your hands clean, and entertain yourselves! See you all on the other side.

Two short stories for free online reading

As my first week (er, honestly, nearer to my first 3 days) of government-encouraged isolation comes to an end, my heart is lighted by the latest issue of Cliterature Journal and a piece of mine appearing in The Erotic Review. Both are free to read.

Cliterature’s GOD/DESS issue includes an excerpt from my story “Annunciation,” about gender, Catholicism, queer desire, and growing up in the middle of them. Fittingly, the issue came out just a few days past the Feast of The Annunciation.

We talked about family and gifts, sacraments and liberation theology and martyrs. What scars through resurrected hands and feet mean to survivors. You told me about WATER’s liturgies and discussions for queer women. The label was still new to me then. Once in high school, a boy had sneered to my best friend and I, “What are you, lesbians?” (I haven’t seen him since, unfortunately). You used both words with equal pride.

I told you about Gabriel.

We spoke all the way back to my dorm.

“It was great talking to you.”

“Gosh, yeah.”

And I let you kiss my lips instead of my cheek; I kissed you back; I went up to my room and sinned thoughtlessly, unselfconsciously, but afterwards I lay awake and thought and prayed.

The next Saturday, I invited you to my room for us to finish our project. Which we did, in record time. And then—Two women together in a bedroom.

“You’re so beautiful,” I say, placing your folded socks on my chair without looking away from your hands as they open your shirt. The silver Miraculous Medal gleams at your throat beneath the rainbow bandana. I’ve put my rosary aside. “You’re the most…awesome, amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

You don’t seem to know what to make of that, but after a moment you smile. I lean closer, placing my hands on your knees. Your body’s warmth beats through your jeans.

“Okay,” I say—reassuring myself more than you. Be not afraid. “This is . . . better than okay.”

At the Erotic Review, “Like That“–part of what may one day become a proper romance novel–shows how two former lovers briefly become closer to each other. It’s also more than a little kinky.

While it was going so well, he’d proposed handcuffs. She accepted, enthusiastically. And when he brought over the pair he’d picked up at the porn store off the highway, she’d hopped onto her bed and raised her hands toward the headboard. That was when he realised maybe he hadn’t been clear. Or in her eagerness she had misinterpreted him.

But she was so eager to have them put on her. So he did.

It was fun, although he was slower to get hard than he’d ever been. At first he worried he wouldn’t be able to get into it. But she was, after all, naked — beautifully so — and her excitement became contagious.

The fact was, Leo liked doing what women wanted. But this time, he felt out of place — enjoying it, but in the way he would enjoy accidentally crashing someone else’s party.


Sex Toy Review: Sili Saddle

Let’s start my new blogging venture–recommendations for some of my favorite toys–with this unique and memorably named bumper pad.

I think “sili” stands for silicone, which it’s made of, and I pronounce it “silly,” to my partner’s initial confusion. But silly name aside, I’m reviewing this piece first because, from the moment I first tried it, the Sili Saddle has become my most-used toy.

Without further ado–

First impressions:

  • The Sili Saddle is shaped a bit like a flat, wide Viking longship.
  • It comes in a variety of colors, including a plain “frosted” white. I picked a more colorful blue and purple so that it’s eye-catching and hard to misplace.
  • Being soft silicone, it’s a bit of a “dust magnet” as I was warned in another review, so I wasn’t troubled to find it speckled upon opening.
    • It comes in a nice box for storage, and that does help keep down the dust some.
    • The rest is eliminated when the toy is wiped down before and after use with a wet wipe (SheVibes, the store where I get my toys–and to which my links are affiliate ones–offers a number of different cleaners, although I’m doing just fine with a bulk supply of ‘baby’ wipes from Costco).

A word on the texture: it’s described as “a soft silicone” and it is. Almost unsettlingly soft when I first picked it up. Growing up, my sister had this toy soldier that was made of super soft, stretchy rubber that still wigs me out just in memory. The Sili Saddle is nowhere near that bad, but first holding it reminded me how much floppy rubber is not my thing. The good news is, that immediately stops being a problem once the toy is in use–even if I’m still cupping it in my hand (and the bottom side is already more rigid than the top), the texture in my hand is *not* what I’m most aware of.

The soft, flexible silicone feels very very good where the rubber hits the road…I mean, on the business side of things. Those two “prows” to our Sili Viking longboat? They’re both meant to stimulate the clit, and I’ve also had a bit of luck just using that long ridge down the middle, which I believe is designed to slip easily between the labia. The softness is really a plus in this location, avoiding any hard “poking” feeling in place of a cushiony but firm caress. It’s, um, very good at that.

Correction: it’s fucking amazing at that.

Because of antidepressants (which are so very worth it for other reasons), my orgasms are not as easy to reach or as intense as they used to be. But when I use the Sili Saddle, an orgasm is

  1. more or less guaranteed (especially when using my preferred position for manual stimulation)–at least half again as easy to reach
  2. super intense. The kind where I’m lying wiped-out, blissed-out, breathing heavily, eyelids fluttering, surrounded by stars and rose-scented clouds…damn, they’re good.

It sounds like I’m promising a lot. Of course, your results may vary. But there is a reason this is my most-used toy and will probably continue to be.

And a reason both my partner and I have discussed writing about it in our future erotica efforts.

The saddle can be cupped in the hand, or slipped into underwear, or attached to the base of my dildo inside my harness (see pictures below), or rested on my partner’s skin for me to grind against. It’s amazingly versatile–it can be used in penetrative sex or frottage, masturbation or with a partner. Additional possibilities suggest themselves: the pad might cushion a bullet vibe to prevent “numbing out,” or avoid overly intense stimulation when the vibe is being run against an especially sensitive setup, for instance, the base of an inserted NJoy plug

(Reviews of the Five strap-on, Theo harness, and NJoy plug are all forthcoming, BTW. And a review of that bullet vibe…for better or worse.)

I use a Wet for Her “Five” strap-on dildo. The Sili Saddle sticks lightly but firmly to the silicone base of the strap-on as both a cushion and a sensation enhancer.

For strap-on play and frottage, the pad is great to reduce pressure against the pubic mound. Other reviews have suggested it can provide a helpful cushion over the mons in PIV sex as well. If you have untrimmed pubic hair, though, do be careful of catching it (hasn’t been a terrible issue, but my partner is very understanding if I need to pause to shift the position of the saddle until it’s perfect).

Overall rating: 9.5 out of 10, has changed my sex life for the better, solves the problem of pressure/discomfort during strap-on play, opens up numerous other fun possibilities.

Alternative products:

According to some reviewers, the Bumpher, an alternative strap-on cushion, feels even better than the Sili Saddle. It seems to be made of a somewhat firmer silicone. It stretches to fit around the base of the dildo rather than simply adhering to it by the power of silicone stickiness, as the Sili Saddle does. The Bumpher is still on my wishlist, but the Sili Saddle seems more versatile overall and quicker to attach to the strap-on (to be honest, I already find the process of getting “in harness” fussy and didn’t want the added step of trying to fit the base into the Bumpher, at least not until I gain more hands-on experience). That made the Sili Saddle my first choice, and I’m already blown away, so who knows what “even better” could feel like…?

Wet for Her, maker of my beloved Five, also makes a variation known as the Fusion with an ergonomically designed base that includes clit stimulation. That’ll probably be my next strap-on toy purchase.

And when I do get either or both of those, you can look forward to my review here.

Where to get your reading: Preorders & Authors Give Back on Smashwords, and ebooks on Kindle Unlimited–for a limited time. Plus Gumroad!

Sorry for the long title–TL;DR, lots of places for books this week!

If your socially responsible isolation reading includes a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you should know:

  • Lovely Boy, a submissive male story of taboo roleplay, is available on KU until May 17
  • Her Seal Upon Him, a femdom story of medieval fantasy, is available until May 20
  • To Have and to Hold: Honeymoon Pegging Erotica is only available on KU until April 11th–then it goes into expanded distribution.
    • On which note, if you’d rather own a copy when it comes out, To Have and to Hold is up for preorder on Smashwords.

Additionally, Smashwords is having a gigantic sale until April 20, Authors Give Back–many of my books and both New Smut Project anthologies are 60% off or free for the next month. You can see the full catalog here.

Speaking of free books, TELENY (gay Victorian erotica which might be by Oscar Wilde) is available as a free download here on my website. It’s also available as a paperback through Amazon, but I can’t in conscience recommend giving Amazon warehouse workers more to do this month. Keep that in mind for later.

I’ve also started to experiment in offering ebooks directly through Gumroad–and might start offering paperbacks once I work out details such as shipping and sales tax. Here are the stores for my TC Mill books and The New Smut Project anthologies (you can “follow” us there for updates on paperbacks and/or the publication of our new flash fiction collection, Erato).


Stay safe, keep your hands clean, and entertain yourselves! See you all on the other side.

Buy print books and support indie bookstores at

Designed to be an ethical alternative to Amazon, is a convenient way to buy books online while supporting local bookstores. Of the sales price, 10% goes to support participating ABA independent bookstores in an earnings pool that is distributed to every six months. Another 10% of sales go to linking affiliates, including small publishers, for whom affiliate sales can provide as much as 20% of their total income.

I’m a participating affiliate, with a “storefront” listing books my writing has appeared in; publications from my micropress, the New Smut Project; and some of my favorite erotica: 

The next time you buy a paperback or hardcover, whether it’s by me or anyone else, consider doing it through as a way to promote a healthier & more diverse literary ecosystem.

Rule 34…the book!

I am super, super psyched to be one of the ten weird & wonderful stories in Rule 34, Volume 2: an erotica collection of unexpected turn-ons! The anthology is up for pre-order for an April 1 release–and that’s no trick.

My story, “Route 34,” is about being stuck in traffic, what might be the strangest reason to get light-headed over Charlize Theron in Fury Road, work shifts that don’t match up, and going the extra mile to satisfy your beloved. <3

The anthology is currently up for preorder at the sites listed HERE; more will be added as they become available.

Cosmic, uncanny, and erotic

Out this month, Mystique is an anthology of gay and lesbian erotic fantasy romance. My piece in it, “The Passion of Her Sleep,” is a Poe-inspired f/f love story, eerie, erotic, and sweet…

The elevator pitch–by which I mean what I’d ramble at you were you trapped in an elevator with me–is “Madeline Usher meets a beautiful, clever, and brilliant lady and lover in a dreamworld that is sort of the Masque of the Red Death, but much, much sexier. Together, can they escape the general grimness of storylines from Edgar Allan Poe?”

MYSTIQUE is currently available on the Aurelia Leo website and on Amazon. A paperback and audiobook version are coming soon!


An excerpt:

Ashtophet approaches, smiling. 

“You always find me,” Madeline says. 

“I’m always searching for you.”

Heat stirs under her skin. “I…” And words cascade from her, like the streams from the fountains feeding the pools. “I tried searching, too, in a way. I’m sorry it took so long. It used to be that I had trouble staying awake. Now I seem to have trouble falling asleep.”

Ashtophet’s beautiful lips form a frown. “That’s unlucky.”

“I’m an unlucky woman.” She looks down. Dampened from brushing the wet paving stones, the hem of her pale gown has become as clear as glass. “Please excuse my complaints. I’m not wholly unlucky. After all, you continue finding me.”

Ashtophet’s laughter is as musical as the fountains, and it brings Madeline’s head up. “Every night, I look forward to the search.”

“It’s how you choose to spend your dreams?”

“True.” She appears a little surprised at the idea, or simply amused. “Wandering this strange place—this beautiful place—witnessing all that happens here, though holding back from joining it myself… It’s been restful for me.” Ashtophet shifts on her feet. “And I’ve found you, another observer.”

“It’s not that I need the rest here,” Madeline admits, “so much as I don’t know how to begin to participate.” 

“And would you…like to?” Now Ashtophet’s gaze falls. Madeline follows it, landing on a tangle of orange and violet-striped flowers with lacy stems and leaves. A gentle breeze makes the petals dance while neither of them speaks.

“Would you?” she finally asks.

“Like you, I’m unsure how to begin.”

A cry carries across the pool—not alarmed but full-throated and exuberant. Waves surge, lifting sheets of water over the tiles. Even on the ground, its puddles appear black, almost bottomless. 

“I don’t know how to swim,” Madeline says.

“I don’t often have the chance to.”

“Shall we step in anyway? They’re wading on this side.” Even as she speaks, Madeline kicks off her slippers. The earth around the flowers is soft and surprisingly warm against her soles.


Happy Valentine’s Day! Please submit to me!

No, I’m not talking to my partner (who doesn’t need to be asked to submit to me <3) but rather to the talented erotic writers of the world: the New Smut Project is compiling our third anthology, and seeking breathtaking flash fiction!

Stories can be in any genre or setting–contemporary, historical, other worlds, time travel…  Whether your characters find satisfaction through BDSM, fetish, or vanilla encounters, in long-term romances or one-night stands, it’s all good. This is an erotic collection, so submissions should be arousing. But how explicitly you want to portray the sex, and what counts as sex, is entirely up to you – be as blunt or as oblique, straightforward or experimental, as you like.


No limits on the gender or number of participants. We DO want to see stories that are inclusive, sex-positive, feminist, and that offer positive portrayals of LGBTQA+, kinky, and poly characters. We want to publish stories by #OwnVoices authors and about characters from around the world, from diverse racial and class backgrounds, of diverse body types, abilities, and ages. All characters must be of legal age and express their consent. Safer sex practices are awesome. Details of realistic sexuality, from arousal nonconcordance to stubbing your toe as you (try to) pad sensuously across the bedroom, will be received with delight.

I’m serious about the arousal nonconcordance, friends. I read Come As You Are and cannot shut up about it. If you submit a story about arousal nonconcordance and I publish it (and believe me, I will try to) I am going to find Emily Nagoski’s (virtual) address and hammer on her (virtual) door to tell her about it.

I’ll also be especially excited to publish #OwnVoices stories celebrating trans women, trans men, and nonbinary people; stories exploring non-penetrative sex (for any reason: vaginismus, personal preference, trauma history, a spirit of experimentation); and stories in historical settings from around the world (we’ve received some great speculative fiction and contemporary so far, and even some time travel, but I think there’s definitely room for some good historical treatments). Ultimately, anything that knocks my socks off will be embraced, and frankly what I’m going to fall in love with next is probably something I haven’t even thought of.

The other thing that sets stories about at this length is their voice and narrative style. Particularly, writing that doesn’t sound like anyone else’s. Metaphors are regions of great risk as well as great reward. Prose poetry welcome; rhyming poetry will have a harder time.

My fangirling above is in the singular first person, but Erato is also co-edited by Alex Freeman and Guenivere Chase. I don’t think they disagree with my preferences but they certainly have their own as well :D.

The full submission guidelines are here on our Tumblr blog.

I’ve also made posts on Twitter  (where unfortunately you can’t edit Tweets to correct typos…) and Facebook. You’d be sweet to share them.

Erato’s deadline can be tracked and submission response times reported at Duotrope and Literarium.

And Erato has a Goodreads page— it’s not too early to add to your “To Read” shelf!

Further updates will be sent out through the New Smut Project’s newsletter.


I’m still experimenting with potential cover art, but here are some options to set the mood…including someone very special to me on the far left <3. Hey, it’s Valentine’s Day eve, I’m allowed to be sappy!

An easy-to-read Teleny

Did Oscar Wilde write erotica?

Frankly, I find it hard to believe he didn’t.

Did he write Teleny, Or The Reverse of the Medal? At this point, it seems unlikely we’ll ever find a copy of the first draft signed by him. But if you enjoyed Dorian Gray, you’ll probably enjoy the lush prose style of this gay erotic novel. I certainly enjoyed the excerpt I read of it in Pages passed from hand to hand.

It left me wanting more.

So I went searching for the rest. Should be easy, right? Published in 1893, it’s absolutely in the public domain. Yet I couldn’t find any downloadable file of it to put on my eReader (at least none from a site I could trust).

I did find the full text on Wikisource–great if I wanted to read the whole thing online. Or…

Long story short: I cut and pasted the text from Wikisource onto my computer, then formatted it into a PDF file of the sort I’d like to read (with clear page numbers). And if you’re in the mood for a downloadable PDF file of Teleny, here it is for you too:


Prefer .mobi or .epub? Those can be downloaded from my Gumroad page here.

After reading more of it, I’m finding myself on board with the theory that this erotic novel was written “round robin” style by Wilde and friends of his–it seems especially plausible because some of the chapters in Teleny quote way more poetry than others.

Yes, poetry. It’s that kind of Victorian gay erotica.

Which should also serve as a CONTENT WARNING: some of the scenes are rather…Victorian (if you’ve ever read a summary of The Pearl, you might get what I’m aiming at?), as is the outlook and style. This book contains, alongside its lush and sensuous delights, some distressing scenes plus topics you probably wouldn’t expect from a modern gay historical novel or romance. These include period-typical misogyny, pressured and/or coerced sex with non-leading characters, heterosexual sex scenes, and death by suicide. The Goodreads reviews also share some specific content warnings.

Paperback edition

There are some versions of Teleny available on Amazon, but the copy I looked at uses em-dashes in place of quotation marks around dialogue. Which, I know that’s a thing, but… So I also uploaded a PDF for print-on-demand publishing, priced as inexpensively as possible. You can find it here and now in my Gumroad store.

UPDATE 2021: Right now some of the Amazon reviews are for a different version, citing typos I know my formatted edition doesn’t have, but I’m not sure how to repair that… Dear reader, if you find typos in my Teleny, can you send me a message so I can correct them? And if you don’t find typos, please consider leaving a review on Amazon to that effect, letting other readers know this edition is good.

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