Wet For Her, as you might guess by the name, is a company creating sex toys “for women by women.” Neither my partner nor I are men, so we felt encouraged and affirmed by this tagline. In particular, it’s helpful that their insertable toys are designed with a slight bend that makes them able, with the right angling, to provide either g-spot OR prostate stimulation, since we have one of those between us.
(SheVibe also classes them as an anal safe toy because of the flared base–the more you know~ *flying rainbow*)
What we loved about the work of our fellow sapphic phallus designers (almost spelled that phellow sapphic phallus designers) is that the toy is nicely, sleekly phallic but isn’t trying to look like a penis. Not that I have anything against such organs; they can be quite beautiful and lovely. But wearing one myself would feel corny and unappealing. Obviously, some people would feel the exact opposite, and they might prefer to seek out a strap-on toy with balls and veins and so forth. Happy hunting to them! My partner and I, though, love the design of this one. It’s like a spaceship at my crotch.

Ready for liftoff, ma’am.
The Five come in several colors, and true to its simple and non-biorealistic design, none of them resemble anyone’s “flesh tone”. I choose the matte black because it matches my harness. The purple is also attractive and matches my partner’s cuffs, and there’s a rose pink for those whose taste runs that way. I’m only a little disappointed they don’t come in bi pride colors like some toys do.
“The Five” apparently refers to a “Five out of Five” star rating. It’s not a reference to length. Though as a matter of fact, the Small and Medium sizes of the Five both have a business length of 5.1″. They differ in girth, with the Small being 1.1″ or “two fingers” wide according to the Wet For Her website and the Medium, which I have, being 1.38″ or “three fingers”. The Large has an insertable length of 5.5″ and a diameter of 1.65″ or “four fingers”.
I own the Medium, and a happy medium it is. Actually, diameter-wise it feels like a bit of a squeeze into my SpareParts Theo harness; I suppose the fraction of an inch increase for the Large size wouldn’t be impossible, but I was surprised to hear the toy gets any wider while still being compatible with the harness. Maybe I’m just shy of forcing the O-ring. There’s a punchline to make, I’ll leave you to it. I do recognize the snug fit keeps the Five in place and offers me more control once it’s actually in place.

I guess I could have held up a dollar bill to measure, but that’s not where my focus was at the time.
Now, when it comes to easing it in–yes, let’s go there, though I should also note that 5.1″ turns out to be the perfect length for cocksucking when the sucker has a tameable gag reflex–the fact that the Five is made of smooth, seamless silicone is great. Lube spreads on it beautifully. And going back to size, I should note every condom I’ve put on it has fit fine, and I have not been very scientific in picking condoms (they advertise to me with a lot of words about the benefits “for him” and “for her” that just don’t apply).
The silicone is also easy to clean. Wet For Her’s website recommends soap and warm water, so I may have been overzealous the times I’ve also used boiling water, but that didn’t seem to do any harm either. (Okay, looks like the thorough advice is: soap and water first to clean it, then boiling to sanitize. So I’m good. But a tip for first-time toy cooker-cleaners, in case it doesn’t go without saying: hot silicone looks exactly the same as cold silicone. Let it cool down a bit before picking it up!)
Lately I’ve had my eye on another Wet For Her product, the Fusion. It’s also non-phallic in design and comes in the same color options. It’s about 0.2″ longer in each size category (I might go for the large, at 5.7″ long, since a slightly longer stroke could be pleasurable to both of us). And best of all, it includes a padded base with a ridge for clitoral stimulation. In the meantime, I’m supplementing my Five with the Sili Saddle, which as previously mentioned, I love (and I’d want a Sili Saddle too in any event for its versatility, since I can use it without penetrating my partner). A little experimentation is involved in finding the best angle for both my partner and I to receive optimal stimulation from our respective ends of the Five, but hey, that’s part of the fun!

Also mentioned in my Sili Saddle review, Wet For Her sells the Bumpher, with which one could reverse-engineer a Five for greater stimulation. However, the Five’s broad base–which is great for sticking on a Sili Saddle, for keeping it firmly in place for the harness, and even for stimulation on its own–makes me uneager to try pulling something on around it. It’s that reluctance to force O-rings again; that and, frankly, there’s very little less sexy than the thought of wrestling with my own cock. Although as soon as I typed that, a myriad of possibilities came to mind. Perils of being an erotica writer. I’m straying from the point. The Bumpher is probably an excellent choice for many people, and it has seemed to receive rave reviews for how it feels. As my toy collection expands, maybe I’ll try it sometime…
Putting any sort of pad at the base does a lot to increase comfort and pleasure–before buying the Sili Saddle, I actually folded up a menstrual pad to fit in between the Five and my body, and that also make the experience of using it a lot better (not that it was ever bad!). So if you’re not able to spring for a specially designed pad, consider this inexpensive backup option.
Ultimate ranking for the Five: I’m not sure if it’s 5/5, but it’s surely close. Attractive design, simple features, and the opportunity to combine with a few add-ons all make it a great beginner toy for some kinky sapphics (or even non-kinky ones!). While with experience, the Medium I purchased might be a little short, and the base becomes less desirable to use unpadded now that I’ve learned how great a saddle can be, “my cock” is a beloved inhabitant of my bag of tricks.